Hanging lamps
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet nunc nisi. Vestibulum euismod metus ut iaculis convallis. Aenean luctus, tortor vitae efficitur imperdiet, quam augue varius dolor, sed lacinia erat libero at neque. Sed eleifend gravida enim quis euismod. Fusce euismod, ipsum eget sollicitudin lobortis, tellus sem luctus augue, ut suscipit enim metus id ex. Nulla elementum aliquet erat, et posuere risus aliquet in. Vestibulum a nisi erat. Suspendisse egestas erat mi, at ultrices diam sodales sit amet. Donec neque mauris, sagittis eget lobortis at, laoreet sed libero. Morbi sed bibendum lectus, vitae tincidunt leo. Phasellus at odio non enim mattis feugiat ac nec elit. Nulla id orci congue justo gravida sodales.
The Crown Major chandelier has a width of 115 centimeters, a depth of 115 centimeters and a height of 82 centimeters.
The Crown Major chandelie...
Large decorative hanging with a bird in MDF (made from scrap wood or recycled wood) The unique design of the Birds of Pa...
Large decorative hanging ...
La Nouvelle Table mug from Merci for Serax. The La Nouvelle Table collection is made from sandstone and maple wood, in f...
La Nouvelle Table mug fro...
- Free switch for Lightspeed customers
- Combine Switch with the Perfect Checkout
- Latest theme from DMWS - Lightspeed Experts
The Base espresso cup is designed by Piet Boon for Serax. The cup is made of the most beautiful Chinese porcelain. The i...
The Base espresso cup is ...
Mug from the Surface by Sergio Herman collection that chef Sergio Herman designed especially for Serax. This mug is made...
Mug from the Surface by S...
The Pure Serax breakfast plate comes from the Pure collection by Pascale Naessens and stands for authenticity and warmth...
The Pure Serax breakfast ...
Breakfast plate from Serax designed by Anita Le Grelle. This plate is made from high-quality earthenware with a reactive...
Breakfast plate from Sera...
The cup from the Terres de Rêves collection by Serax was designed by Anita Le Grelle. This tall cup is made from high-q...
The cup from the Terres d...
Mug from the Terres de Rêves collection by Serax, designed by Anita Le Grelle. The plate is made from high-quality eart...
Overige categorieën in Lighting
Hanging lamps
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet nunc nisi. Vestibulum euismod metus ut iaculis convallis. Aenean luctus, tortor vitae efficitur imperdiet, quam augue varius dolor, sed lacinia erat libero at neque. Sed eleifend gravida enim quis euismod. Fusce euismod, ipsum eget sollicitudin lobortis, tellus sem luctus augue, ut suscipit enim metus id ex. Nulla elementum aliquet erat, et posuere risus aliquet in. Vestibulum a nisi erat. Suspendisse egestas erat mi, at ultrices diam sodales sit amet. Donec neque mauris, sagittis eget lobortis at, laoreet sed libero. Morbi sed bibendum lectus, vitae tincidunt leo. Phasellus at odio non enim mattis feugiat ac nec elit. Nulla id orci congue justo gravida sodales.